Video & FAQ – flashmob in KL Saturday 28 June: Rob!


* Pictures and videos from KLX will be up soon.
* Read the Rob! Frequently Asked Questions below. Scroll down.

* Read more about Rob! here.
* Join Rob! on Facebook.



‘Rob!’ is a flashmob idea that came from ImprovEverywhere in NYC. Watch the video above to know more.

We will only announce the details of the venue/event on Wednesday 25 June, 3 days beforehand on Facebook and Not via sms.

This has to be done because if it is announce too early, we may lose to element of surprise to the people around us and especially so, the victim. And also the Ring might not make it to Mordor.

Participants are called RandomAgents. Those interested have to email their hp number to RandomActs [at] RandomAlphabets [dot] com. We promise you that your numbers will not be distributed or used in an inappropriate way. That is our word.

We will sms you the name of the Victim at 4pm on Saturday 28 June itself. Just be at the event and wait for the sms.

Look at pics and read more about what we’ve written earlier about Rob! in an earlier post, here.

+++++ Rob! Frequently Asked Questions+++++

FAQ Rob!

  1. I know I’m not stupid. So it’s definitely you guys that have not been giving a clear explanation. How does Rob! work?
  2. Does anyone from RandomActs know the victim personally?
  3. Ew…double ew! Ok wtvR (whateveRRR). Where will it be then?
  4. Okkkkay. What are the other 2 events?
  5. …right. Will it be at a stadium?
  6. lame. So is there a gathering point at the event itself?
  7. That’s like so bodo. Why are we giving our numbers then?
  8. I don’t understand. I got 7 1As for SPM. So I know I’m smart. Something is wrong with your project here. In NY, other people started calling Rob as well because he was looking for his seat. For this one, our Rob will just be walking around. Is it going to work here as well? Are other people actually going to follow us calling for our Rob?
  9. OMG. O O O OMG. But like, don’t you think like, the victim, and like, other people, would like, know, it’s like, a setup/flashmob?
  10. I think I know the victim. Can I tell him/her?
  11. Sheesh. I dowan kam la lai dis. I don haf 2 kam rait?

1. I know I’m not stupid. So it’s definitely you guys that have not been giving a clear explanation. How does Rob! work?

There are 4 Phases. This is how it goes.

+ Pre-Rob! Time: 4.45pm. Location: Wherever our victim is.
We’ll arrange for a videographer (VG) and 2 photographers (PG) to locate our victim and follow him/her to capture his/her reaction before, during and after.

+ Phase A. Time: 5pm. Location: Everywhere
RandomAgents go around everywhere asking strangers at the event to build the buzz. For example
‘Excuse me, have you seen Rob?’
‘Hey, where is Rob?’
‘This anneh looks like Lingam, talks like Lingam. But it’s not Lingam. You got see him not?’
‘Eh Leng Chai, don’t lansi ah. You know where is Rob or not?’
‘Hai awak. Awak ade nampak Rob tak? Kita nie tengah carik dieee. Awak nie chumel la. Boleh berkenalan?’

+ Phase B. Time: 5.15pm. Location: Everywhere.
Start calling out Rob every few seconds. Imagine you are at a concert, you’re walking around looking for a friend. Look out into the crowd and call out for you friend. Do it like that.
‘Hey Rob!’
‘Rob I’m here!’
‘Where’s that 4 eyed Ca Cheng? Rob!’
‘Woi Rob. Ko kat mane nie? Kalau aku carik Mawi pun dah jumpe skarang ko to tak! Rob!’

+Phase C. Time: 5.30pm. Location: RandomAgents spread out to the 3 designated gathering points.
We will all gather at (at least) 3 gathering points and start calling out for Rob together, loudly.
‘Dei macha. Rob. Here lah!’
‘Over here Rob.’
‘Niamah! We’re here la Rob!’
‘Aku carik Ayah Pin pun kot dah jumpe skarang. Rob! Kat sini woi.’

+Phase D. Time: 5.32pm. Location: Everywhere.
We gradually stop. Disperse. Blend in the crowd.

2. Does anyone from RandomActs know the victim personally?
No. To us he’s/she’s a stranger. We know of him/her but none of us have ever personally, actually or virtually contacted him/her. Only in our hearts and dreams when we close our eyes and eat ice cream.

3. Ew…double ew! Ok wtvR (whateveRRR). Where will it be then?
We have listed 3 events to pounce on that day. We will announce which event we have chosen, on Wednesday 25th June on

Some asked us if it’s going to be Urbanscapes. We can’t say. But we’ll say this. Urbanscapes is 1 of 3 on the list.

4. Okkkkay. What are the other 2 events?
Kayknot Tel in KL
Impatient Anonymous in Kuala Lumpur

5. lame. So is there a gathering point at the event itself?
Yes. At least 3 gathering points. We will inform you on NOT via Sms.

6. That’s like so bodo. Why are we giving our numbers then?
We will be telling you every single detail on Wednesday 25th June. All except the name of our victim. We will SMS you the name of the victim at 3pm on Saturday 28th June.

7. …right. Will it be at a stadium?

8. I don’t understand. I got 7 1As for SPM. So I know I’m smart. Something is wrong with your project here. In NY, other people started calling Rob as well because he was looking for his seat. For this one, our Rob will just be walking around. Is it going to work here as well? Are other people actually going to follow us calling for our Rob?
We don’t even want it to work that way. Our is different. Part of the idea of flashmob itself is to gauge the reaction of other people who are not part of it (stranger+victim). So imagine yourself not being part of this, not knowing anything at all. You go to a concert/carnial/festival. Out of nowhere, a whole lot of people around you, everywhere, starts calling out looking for this one person. How would you react? Which is why we will be assigning a team of photographers waiting to capture the facial expressions and reactions of the strangers/spectators.

9. OMG. O O O OMG. But like, don’t you think like, the victim, and like, other people, would like, know, it’s like, a setup/flashmob?
If we stick it to faking it as real as possible, then that would help. Don’t laugh or smile or look mischievous. You are ‘really’ looking for a person. ‘Really’ look for him/her then. When you’re really looking for someone, you don’t laugh, giggle or have a happy face on right? So look ‘real’.

10. I think I know the victim. Can I tell him/her?
Please don’t (be a jackass and) tell him/her. We don’t mind. But our RandomAgents will mind. Because you’ll ruin the project. They will call you names. Not in a flashmob way. I don’t know what way. Maybe like, my way on the highway.

11. Sheesh. I dowan kam la lai dis. I don haf 2 kam rait?
No you don’t. You should really piss off.

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